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Have you noticed something different about my blog?

No, I did NOT add these advertisements. No, I have no choice on the type of ads shown on my blog. And, no, I had no idea they were even there. I don’t keep up with WordPress news. I can barely keep up with the blogs I like to read. LOL So, I had no idea they had added advertisements to all their free blogs. Why? Because if I’m logged into my blog the advertisements do not show up. Sneaky, WordPress. Very sneaky…

I’m going to be frank. I’m a little pissed.

I’ve kept my blog on WordPress.com because I liked the community, but I don’t like Ads on my blog. I write reviews for major publishers. I don’t want advertisements on my blog.

What to do…

I could pay to upgrade my account but that would be silly. I already own my domain and I have a server that hosts not only my website but several other artist’s websites too. So. Over the next few weeks I’m going to be moving my blog to my own domain. It is live now, for those of you that want to take a peek and/or subscribe to keep up with my posts. This blog will remain for a while, maybe indefinitely, until I can move my reviews to the new blog. But, in a few weeks time, I will announce when posts will cease here and you can either join me on the new blog or be forever lost in space. ;D