Who is Attack Cat?

When I tell someone I own an Attack Cat their first response is a timid giggle. They might think I’m joking or at the very least exaggerating. But I’m not, and my brother has the scars to prove it. His dog, a golden lab three times the size of my cat, is fearful of her presence. There are only few outsiders Shadow has come to accept as . . . fellow warriors? It’s difficult to say. Can anyone truly know what is going on inside her mind?

Shadow a.k.a Attack CatShadow a.k.a Attack Cat

Born: March 2006
Place: Wimbledon, London, UK
Immigrated to USA in 2008
Shadow and her ToyBreed: British Shorthair Mix
Notable Features: White Locket on her chest.
Favorite Pastime: Showing off her claws and giving people the look.
Favorite Perch: The ledge behind my laptop.
Special Skills: Ripping the innards from her stuffed toys.

If Shadow could talk she might say, “If you can’t kill me, start running.”

7 thoughts on “Who is Attack Cat?”

  1. CarolLawman said:

    Wonderful story! I don’t have an attack cat but my elderly cat is fearsome to behold! She doesn’t like anyone except me..and
    doesn’t even cover up her poop in the box from predators because
    she knows she can whip them!

  2. I own a stroppy cat, she’s called Doughnut. Everything is on her terms. Best to never approach her for a stroke or a cuddle (actually, she doesn’t do ‘cuddles’). She is quite skitish and will bite! She does, however, love to spend hours on my hubby’s lap in front of the TV. He’s not allowed to move though, or he gets ‘the look’ and she jumps off. I am also not permitted to garden near ‘her patch’ in the garden. She turned rather feral on me earlier this year when I was pruning a tree on her patch. I, too, bare the scars of owning an attack cat. They look cute, but approach with caution! 😉

    • Wow! You certainly do know. My daughter is always taunting Shadow. Occasionally she gets too close and Shadow will smack her. However, I think Shadow would be content if she could stay in my lap 24/7. LOL Cats are complex animals. 😀

  3. I have a cat who is a supreme hunter. His chief occupation is to keep down the rodent population. He brings his catch of the day home or to a neighbor’s home often half eaten. He has the nickname of ‘Bundy’ after the infamous serial killer Ted Bundy. This wonderful cat holds his own on my mountain against coyotes. Ferocious and ‘Great Hunter.’ Unlike your attack cat Bundy is nice to humans. But, of course, it must be on his terms. He likes prey of a wilder nature. He also rules my dogs. He ripped through one dog ear while training the new dog how to treat a cat. There are some amazing cats out there.

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